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Tea Application Questions and Answers

How to make the aroma of tea last longer in the drink?
- Three key points:
Tea type, quality and concentration
- Tea type:
Sensory performance varies from tea to tea, with green tea being the main freshness, black tea the concentration, oolong the flavour, white tea the taste, black tea the soup sensation and floral tea the aroma. Some teas are not destined to have a very long lasting aroma, so choosing the right tea is of paramount importance.
- Quality:
Teas with a better ecology are very rich in inclusions brewing a rich and long lasting tea broth with no bitterness, even if there is bitterness it melts away quickly.
Since the so-called taste is not enough to make up for the concentration, when the tea broth is not persistent enough in the drink, it is also possible to improve the persistence of the tea aroma through the concentration. It is important to note that the concentration of the tea broth is not improved through time, but through the adjustment of the ratio of tea to water when brewing to improve the concentration of the tea broth.
How can I identify flavoured tea?
Without professional training and a strong reservoir of experience, it is very difficult for the average person to identify high-end flavoured teas. The senses can often be deceiving. The identification of flavoured teas can be based on the following points:
Look at the ingredient list
According to food safety standards, food additives are required to be marked on the product label when they reach a certain dosage.
Smell the dry tea aroma
Some of the lower grade flavours can give a more irritating taste, so smelling dry tea with a certain degree of irritation belongs to those with added flavours. A good tea has a very soft and natural aroma.
Taste the tea broth to see if the flavour of the tea broth is different from the real aroma, if something is not quite right then there is a possibility of added flavouring.
Do the test
As long as the flavouring is not too long lasting, most of the flavourings will be diluted quickly by hot water. So if you still want to know if the tea has been flavoured, you can open the soup and test it. If the tea has been flavoured, there will be a precipitous drop in aroma from the first to the second course, and there may be no aroma at all by the third course.
What is the basis of tea brewing?
- The four elements of tea brewing:
Time, temperature, proportion and contact area
- Time:
Determines the extraction of water-soluble materials from the tea leaves
- Temperature:
Determines the extraction efficiency of the water-soluble materials in the tea
- Proportions:
Determines the density of aromatic substances and trace elements in the tea broth
-Area of contact:
The larger the area, the more efficient the extraction of water-soluble materials, the smaller the area, the less efficient the extraction of water-soluble materials
How to determine how the tea is brewed:
-By looking at the dry tea:
The more tender the dry tea is, the lower the water temperature, dry tea with roasting can be used at high temperature, the deeper the fermentation the higher the water temperature, the better the temperature 90-92 degrees.
- Depending on the type of tea:
The proportion of green tea should be large, the proportion of oolong is moderate, black tea black tea should have concentration.
- Do the test:
The same tea with different brewing methods have different presentations, it does not necessarily mean that young tea must only be low temperature, it can actually also be high temperature brewing, this depends on the purpose of the applicator, only suitable is the best way to brew.
- Method of doing the test:
Boil water 1:50 tea leaves, brew two sections for 5 minutes, the first section to test the flavour presentation of the tea broth, the second section to test the tea broth for internal materials. If the second section is still very full you can brew a third section for 5 minutes, so that you can measure the optimum time for the tea to dissolve. Later on, the tea broth will be brewed according to the results of the test.
Which flowers can be used as floral teas?
The world's most famous types of flower teas are: Jasmine, Rose, Honeysuckle, White Orchid, Camellia, Osmanthus, Tortoise, Chrysanthemum, Pelargonium, Hesperia, Pomelo, Pine, Plum, Milano.
This standard applies to green tea, black tea, oolong tea, white tea, yellow tea, black tea, pu-erh tea (one or more of them) with or without the addition of orange peel, mandarin peel, Xinhui peel, Xinhui mandarin peel, lemon, strawberry, cranberry, mango, pineapple, apple, banana, papaya, coconut, dried bitter melon, dried spinach, dried carrot jasmine, cinnamon, rose (heavy red rose), loquat leaves, peppermint, cloves, anise, knife bean, cumin, artichoke, yam, hawthorn, horsetail, umeboshi, firenuts, daidaihua, yucca, licorice, dahurica, white fruit, white lentil, white lentil flower, cassia, lily of the valley, nutmeg, cinnamon, sorrel, yucca, Buddha's hand, almonds, sea buckthorn, tzatziki, pepper, adzuki bean, malt, kombu Dates, black dates, sour dates, cinnamon, Luo Han Guo, Yu Li Ren, honeysuckle, green nuts, grass nuts, fishy grass, dried ginger, turmeric, wolfberry, gardenia, sand, fat sea, poria, citron, Elsholtzia, peach kernel, mulberry leaf, mulberry, orange red (tangerine red), eustoma, puzzle seed, lotus leaf, lycopodium, lotus seed, galangal, light bamboo leaf, light bean drum, chrysanthemum, chicory, yellow mustard seed, yellow essence, perilla, perilla seed Kudzu root, black sesame seeds, black pepper, acacia flowers (including acacia rice), dandelion, cephalopod, date palm, dried white foxglove root, dried rutabaga root, orange peel (Chen Pi), coix seed, allium, raspberry, patchouli, ginseng (artificially grown), coriander, pine pollen, powdered kudzu, white hair silver dewberry, five-fingered walnut, burdock root, holly family bitter tea, pear fruit cactus, maize beard, flat-lying chrysanthemum panax ginseng, cold powder grass, sour horn, needle-leaf cherry, konjac, rosehips, spirulina, wheat seedlings, coffee, brown rice, chia seeds, thread-leaf goldenrod, barley, buckwheat, corn, sugar, rock sugar, food additives (citric acid, flavouring for food), processed through the process of ingredients, mixing, drying (or not drying), crushing (or not crushing), packaging and other processes to make flavoured tea. The product is brewed (steeped, boiled) in a similar way to tea for people to drink.
What is the principle of matching fruit and tea in fruit tea?
Each ingredient has its advantages and of course its disadvantages. It is important to fully understand the ingredients and to complement the strengths and weaknesses of two less than perfect ingredients to make the best match.
For example, if the tea broth is too concentrated, it will be bitter and astringent, then we will add sugar, and too much syrup will be too sweet, then we will add the acidity of lemon to synthesise it, and accidentally we have lemon tea. Of course you can continue to choose to add tea but you do not necessarily drink it all.

-Fruit tea application universal formula:
High aroma with high fragrance: Mono-bush/medium roasted oolong is best paired with highly fragrant fruits such as pineapple, perfumed lemon, orange and passion fruit.
High concentration with strong texture: a highly concentrated black tea is best paired with the strong acidity of yellow lemon.
High freshness with high acidity: green tea with high freshness, with more applications are paired with fruits with acidity, passion fruit green tea, lemon green from, kumquat lemon tea
High acid with high sweetness: strong acidic fruit sugar must be used more, a cup of lemon tea usually sugar dosage is one to one.
What is the difference between milk tea tea and ordinary (e.g. Tieguanyin, Longjing, etc.) tea?
- What is commercial tea and premium tea:
The tea we make for drinking is collectively known as commercial tea or known as tea base, while the tea for tasting and drinking is known as fine tea or civil tea.
Essentially there is no difference, except that the tea used for milk tea is usually not as high grade due to cost constraints, so there is a big difference in sensory perception and the flavour is not as good as the traditional fine tea, nor is it as good as the average ration tea.
After all, business is about profit, so most brands choose teas of lower grade, and because of the lower grade of the tea leaves, these teas are usually not highly brewable and are prone to bitterness and astringency. This is why commercial teas are usually only brewed once, as they lack the inner material to do so. The only way to fill the gap is through high concentration and long duration.
Because of the low grade of the tea leaves, in order to enhance the flavour of the tea, commercial teas are blended to make up for the shortcomings of the tea by taking the best from the best.
- The blending of commercial teas differs in several ways:
Different production seasons, different roasting degrees, different production areas, different grades, different varieties and different processes.
How do you remove the bitterness from the tea in brewing?
Firstly, check if the tea itself is bitter, if so, there is only one way to get rid of the bitterness: by adding sugar. If you want to solve the problem by brewing, then there is only one answer: no solution!
The causes of bitterness in tea brewing are: high concentration, long brewing time and high water temperature.
The bitterness produced by high concentration is usually present in the sensory performance, the bitterness is quickly melted away, and the output is instead a return of sweetness. So when this sensation arises, do not hesitate to dilute it, or simply increase the proportion a little when brewing next time.
Because the bitterness and astringency produced by a longer brewing time is usually present in the sensory performance, the bitterness will be more persistent and the astringency will disappear more quickly without generating any sweetness. Therefore, if you find that the bitterness does not melt away when experiencing the tea broth, the brewing time is too long and you need to adjust the brewing time.
The bitterness produced by high water temperature is usually present in the sensory performance, the astringent taste is heavier and the soup feels rougher, this is because the young leaves are burned by high temperature causing the bitter water to dissolve, so the soup feels astringent. In this case, the next time you brew, be careful to adjust the water temperature.
How is it possible to sell 8-cellar jasmine for less than a hundred?
Generally speaking, low-grade jasmine teas are made 1 to 2 times, or even without manuring, just pressing. This means that the flowers are reused, so the aroma is not as fresh as it could be.
Mid-range jasmine teas are made 3 to 6 times. High-grade jasmine teas are pressed 7 to 10 times, or even more.
The quality of jasmine tea is not only determined by the number of times the tea is made, but also by the ratio of the tea flowers.
The same jasmine tea is made in the same way, but some manufacturers may only use 30 pounds of flowers for 100 pounds of tea in order to save costs, so the total amount of jasmine flowers is 240 pounds if the tea is made 8 times. For those who attach importance to the quality of their tea, they may need 50 to 60 kg of flowers or even more for each manuring, and the total amount of jasmine flowers will reach more than 300 kg if the manuring is done six times. The quality of the tea varies greatly depending on the ratio of the flowers, so the quality of jasmine tea cannot be judged simply by the number of times the tea is made.
Basically, according to the high-grade jasmine tea, if the tea-flower ratio is 1:0.8, 8 cellars, 1 catty would require 6.4 catties of flowers, and according to the average flower price in Hengxian throughout the year, it is about 12 yuan/catty, which means that 8 cellars of jasmine tea would cost 70 to 80 dollars of flowers per 1 catty of high-grade jasmine tea.
What is the impact of tea origin on tea post-processing?
A good ecological environment can determine how good the tea is, the process determines the taste of the tea, and good raw materials with the right process can improve the tolerance of brewing. How can we maximise the solution to the problem of unstable tea flavour? If the raw materials don't work, then blend them, if the brewing method doesn't work, then adjust the brewing method, if the product itself doesn't work then there is no solution. Do different teas need to be brewed in different water qualities to perform better? Different teas brewed with different water have different sensory differences. The ancients graded water: mountain spring water is the best, river water is second, well water should be chosen from deep wells, rainwater and blood water are not suitable for brewing tea.
Modern water: the way to meet the drinking water standards set by our health department is suitable for tea brewing, except that tap water will use chlorinated substances to sterilise, which will have some impact when used to brew tea. So theoretically speaking, the tap water we use now is slightly worse than the spring water used by the ancients to make tea. So if you can, you can buy mineral water to make tea, and spring water is the best source.
Modern water standards: TDS values up to 150 can be used to make tea, if you are looking for quality, no higher than 80, and if you require it, TDS values between 6 and 40ppm are best.
The Ph value also has a great impact on the tea brewing, alkaline water oxidises the tea broth faster and acidic water is good for the production of sediments. We have tested the water and found that a pH value of 5.6~6Ph is the most suitable for tea brewing.

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